Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Beginning of “The Order”

August 23rd 2015 was supposed to be the start to an epic get away for 16 people.  However in the weeks leading up to this date, things started to change.  We got within one more person needing to fill a spot on our trip, but it never happened.  Instead people started to back out for one reason or another.  Some understandable and some completely aggravating reasons to not go anymore.  Since the trip was still a few weeks away, we worked to fill seats back up that ended getting dropped again and then refilled once more.  Departure day, we ended up with 11 people out of the projected 16.

By the time everyone showed up to leave, annoyances had already started to form between members of the group.  Nevertheless, we jumped in the vehicles excited to rock this trip.  Along the road, there were fun gas station trips as two of the three cars tried to convince the third car that it was haunted due to random “radio interference” we were picking up from them.  At one point we actually thought they believed us.  We arrived in Anaheim around 10 am on the 24th, which meant everyone was extremely tired from driving through the night. 

With exhaustion present, one injury before the trip and one a few hours in, we decided to relax for the day and get ready for the preceding three days that would be Disneyland, which was sure to be beyond energy draining.

Over the next two days (Tues and Wed) there was a noticeable split in the group of who people wanted to hang out with.  Tantrums thrown, passive aggressive texts sent, sore bodies present, and everyone on their last nerve, it was time to changes things up. 
With these feelings having spread through the whole party, a group of 6 decided we were going to execute “Operation Phoenix Rising.”  The objective? Get one of the guys in the group, Tyson, who had been stuck with the main annoyance of the group the whole time, one on one. From there you had to get the two of you to Tom Sawyers Island in Disneyland, which required you to ride on a motorized raft to the island that had no access by foot.  The rules?  The only rules were that you couldn’t say “Tom Sawyers Island” to Tyson.  Also, you had to wait until he got to the park in order to execute your plan.

Olivia, along with others that had slept in, arrived at the park. She then texted Jake, the person who had set the trip up, to let him know that Tyson had entered the park with her.  Jake sent a text out to Shannon, Anali (Ana-Lee), Remington, and Calli who were the other members participating in “Operation Phoenix Rising.”

The game had begun!  Remington asked what the rules on alliances were.  Anali quickly responded that there weren’t any rules on alliances.  After this response, Calli, Anali, Shannon, Remington, and Jake stopped at a restroom for the girls.  While they were in there, Remington and Jake quickly shook hands and created an alliance.  Out of nowhere, Olivia appeared with others in tow. In a panic, everyone dispersed and scrambled to execute their plans to get Tyson alone. 

Believing we needed to get on to the “Mark Twain,” an old style river boat, in order to get to the island, each person had Tyson in their sights.  Olivia was the first to get Tyson one on one and to the waiting dock for the “Mark Twain” boat.  While she was doing that, Jake was texting Tyson to try and get him to meet up. Remington was also following Olivia and Tyson the entire time.  The entire “Operation Phoenix Rising” group showed up to the staging area for the boat except for Jake.  Little did they know however, Jake was sitting on the other side of the staging area and hadn’t been seen by anyone except for Remington.  We boarded the boat and the main group went to the third (top) level of the boat.  Remington met up with Jake to let him know that they were all on the wrong boat, and they actually needed to use the rafts to get to the island. 

After receiving this knowledge, Jake sent a group text acting as if he had masterminded the whole thing and that he knew the whole time that it was the wrong boat, and that he wasn’t on the boat.  In reality, he had no clue it was the wrong ship.  When the boat docked again, the group made their way to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, while Jake followed behind the entire time.  Anali didn’t get in line for the ride though.  She, thinking she also had an alliance with Remington, went to get a diet coke.  Calli, Remington’s wife, also thinking she had an implied alliance with Remington, felt comfortable going to the Pirates ride with the group.  Tyson and Jake ended up speaking on the phone though.  Jake wanted to speak with Tyson one on one, and asked him to leave the line for Pirates.  Once they met up, they made their way to the rafts.  Remington, having the true alliance with Jake, made his way out of line and to the rafts as well.  The three guys made their way on a raft without anyone else and to Tom Sawyers Island. 

The remaining players made their way to the island, where we all celebrated the events of the game.  Jake and Remington as the winners won a Dole Whip Float (AMAZING!!!).  These seven later in the trip decided to form what is now known as “The Order of the Traveling Phoenix” which will be traveling to different destinations as a tight knit group of friends.  The official birthday of The Order of the Traveling Phoenix is Aug 27th 2015.

The rest of the trip had major ups and major downs as buttons were pushed by some of the other members of the group outside of “the order.”  After returning home, it was decided that certain people that attended the trip will probably not be attending anymore trips with “the order,” while others would be more than welcome to join us.

We hope you have enjoyed reading about how our little group got started.  We will be doing introduction posts into who everyone in the order is.  Please keep an eye out for post from our next trips and adventures together.  Feel free to follow us on YouTube (vlogs), Instagram, or email us suggestions for trips, different travel gear, or tips at